The Air Force

After the success of Operation Moked, at 09:00, the Syrian and Jordanian air forces intended to attack Israel, and so it was decided to continue the air attack on Egypt; a second wave. The Israeli Air Force casualties were less severe than expected. The squadron technical officers received reports of the blows while the hit aircrafts were still in the air, and so were able to prepare the spare parts prior to the planes landing.

115 sorties were diverted mainly to attack the Egyptian airports, and some were directed to attack the radar station. In comparison to the first attack wave, many more planes were commanded to defend Israeli skies. The navigation to the targets was easier the second time around because there was no need to fly at a low altitude. The war was already raging.

It did not take long for the Arabs to react. Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqi Air Force planes "awoke" half an hour after the second wave attack ended. At 11:50, 12 Syrian MiGs took off, the first to attack targets in Israel.

The Jordanians chose to bomb Israeli airports before attacking the Israeli planes. In the morning, the Israeli Intelligence already knew that the Egyptian commando units that were transferred to Jordan had received a command to attack the airports of Lod, Akron, Sirkin, Ein-Shemer, and Hertzeliya, as well as the radar station. This command was not carried out, but at 11:40, the Jordanians began using their artillery to bomb the Ramat David airport.

Previously, at 12:00, a pair of Jordanian Hunter planes attacked Netanya. Half an hour later, more Hunter planes surprised the Israelis, when they flew in at a low altitude and so were not revealed by the Israeli radar. The latter hit a plane that was parked at the Sirkin airport. The plane was burnt to ashes and some soldiers were injured. An hour later, the Iraqi Air Force joined the battle.

When it became clear that the enemy Air Forces were preparing for more concentrated attacks, it was decided to divert the Israeli Air Force to Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. 22 minutes had passed since the Jordanians had successfully attacked the Sirkin airport, and Israeli planes were already in the air, on the way to attack the two Jordanian airports.

After the Jordanians began to bomb Jerusalem and information that the Jordanian army was summoning backup to Jerusalem reached the Israeli Intelligence, planes were directed to attack targets in the city and on the Jericho-Jerusalem axle.

After noon, planes were diverted to the Jordanian front. Around one hundred Jordanian M-47 Paton tanks were parked in the Jordan valley. They received an order to move west toward Jerusalem. The Israeli planes took a large part in restraining their progress to Jerusalem, together with the Oregon, Water, and Mister Squadrons.

At 17:30, the first structure of fuga planes took off to attack a convoy in Ma'ale Adumim, and hit the cars and canon embankment. At the time of the attack, Shabtai Ben-Aharon's plane was hit and shot down. A helicopter tried to locate him for many hours, but was unsuccessful. Later, it became clear that Shabtai Ben-Aharon had been caught by the Jordanians and killed.

Furthermore, that same day, information about Jordanian reinforcements arrived, and patrols to find and attack them were carried out. Amongst others, tanks and trucks that were moving on the Damia Bridge or parked in parking lots were attacked. The Air-Force planes also attacked various targets on the west bank, including the tank embankment that had bombed the settlements in the plain. (At 19:50, embankment in the Kalkiliya area was attacked and hits of the targets were visible.)

On the 6th of June 1967, first lieutenant Dan Givon was killed when his plane was shot down in a battle over the Ramat Rahel and Mar Elias monastery area. A monument in his memory is situated on the "Plane Hill", on the route to Beit Lehem.

In conclusion: on June 5th 1967, Israel started the Six Day War. Within only three hours, the Israeli Air Force destroyed the Egyptian Air Force on the ground, and caused great damage to the Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi Air Forces. After Israel had achieved aerial supremacy on all fronts, the Air Force planes participated in missions of attack, interception, parachuting equipment, landing forces and evacuation of the injured. In the Six Day War, the IDF conquered Sinai, the West Bank and the Golan Heights and expanded the state's territory to four times its original size.




Taken from the Israeli Air Force website: the information has been edited.